Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hello. My name is Heidi Baek. I am a Freshman and have yet undecided major. I am a student-athlete playing golf for University of Maryland golf team. I am a recruit from England, UK. I think mass media is the collection of resources that can be easily accessed to everyone in the world especially through technology. Since the rapid growing of technology and the usage within the society, personally I think it has good and bad parts about it. This is because it allows all people with the access of technology gain information and find out about the world that is in present. However, with the rapid growing of technology, it can pressurize people to update their technology to the "better" version than they own. In addition with the usage of social media - including blogs and twitter - these will help my in the future because they are used with many people around the world right now. I am able to connect with them easily through this use and also able to connect with the world.

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