Monday, March 18, 2013

Duty-Based Ethical System Increases Other Issues On Other Cases?

According to the book, "Converging Media: A New Introduction to Mass Communication," there is no single unified ethical system that all people can follow for complete justice and peace. However, philosophers and religious leaders have developed different ethical systems throughout the years.
One of the four major ethical systems is the "Duty-Based Ethical System." This states that people must follow a prescribed set of rules or duties, regardless of the outcome. These duties can be religious beliefs (duties to God), but also embrace duties to others and duties to oneself.

The Categorical Imperative
In ethical thought, Immaneul Kant, an influential German philosopher, developed a concept of an unconditional moral obligation that does not depend on an individual's personal inclinations or goals. The value of the categorical imperative is that it encourages one to act for the benefit or others first, and not for personal gain.

For news organizations, decisions to publish names of crime victims, or to cover all crimes of a certain seriousness, for example, would fall under the categorical imperative. An example of this in recent journalism, is the Korean actor Park Si Hoo's rape case. The Korean actor has been accused of sexual assault by a trainee in one of the entertainment agencies.

Park Si HooKorean media organizations, usually does not publish names if they are not known in the public eye.

In this case, they have named her "trainee A". However, with the controversy still under going for two months already, many Korean neitzens, who were curious about "A" began to investigate her identity and her background. It has apparently been exposed after a Korean website revealed photos that supposedly belong to her.

In addition to this case, the Korean actor PSH filed a transfer of a prosecution case and its investigation that is currently under at the Gwangju Seobu Police Station, to be moved to the Gangnam Police Station. One of the reasons for this request is that the case has become high profile rape case in Korea at the moment.

Since the police is releasing many updates on the case, Korean neitzens are increasing with their assumptions and judgments about the case.
However, according to the Gwangju Police, they have no intention of letting the case be transferred.

By looking at this case, it is sometimes difficult for news organizations to have control over what is published of the case unless the public spreads through word-of-mouth of their findings. Even though the Korean news organizations have named the victim "trainee A", the fact that they have published this name, increased the curiosity of neitzens therefore began to investigate her identity which led to raise thornier issues in other cases.

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