Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Role in Photography with Journalism

I wanted to find out more about the role of photography with journalism and how they differ from any normal photographers. It has been said that photographs can affect people in many ways. It can tell a story or let people received information quickly visually. Photos can engage, increase interest or draw emotions that words could have not, can be said that “image has no age, language or intelligence limits.” Many media and journalism companies would scan the photos or images that have been taken from a photojournalist, in a newspaper or a magazine, to get people’s audiences. From researching online, there is a term “Photojournalist” that is meant to apply an active news/editorial photographers, whether they hold a specific degree in photojournalism or not. These photojournalists tell stories with their images, for most people they immediately would understand an image when they have seen it. Especially today, they would constantly hunt for the images which tell of the day-to-day struggles and accomplishments of our community. For example, if they saw a devastation that has been occurred at that certain time, he would capture the photo and hope for audience to stir on their emotions more effective than the words could have.

Question 1: What makes a photojournalist different from a photographer?

Normal photographers take pictures of nouns such as people, places, and things. Whereas photojournalists shoot action verbs such as “kicks,” “explodes,” “cries,” etc. more of a realistic, non “set up” reality photographers. However, photojournalists does shoot nouns like the normal photographers look for, they can be in standard photos of people (portraits), places (devastation places like I have mentioned above), and other things. Photojournalists tend to seek photos or image that tells a story.

Photography is and remains an important component to us on how it can reach art, especially in modern magazines, where images can persuade just as effectively as it can educate people.

Questions to ask to experts.
Question 2: Do you think that media and journalism companies should pay normal photographers for outstanding photographers that they have shared? Since our technologies have advanced.
Question 3: Do you agree with photojournalists having their title and that they get recruited even though they don't have degrees in photojournalism?

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